Tweeting the Meeting: Day Four’s #DramaInTheDome
Tweets are flying at the Alamodome in San Antonio as delegates, attendees, and media share insights about the proceedings. Here is a roundup of the best tweets about the #DramaInTheDome on Day 4.
What a day. From problems with the electronic voting devices to discussions of cohabitation, this day was full.
The morning started with praying in pairs.
Geoffrey Mbwana called for prayers in pairs. Two by two. #GCSA15
— SPECTRUM (@spectrummag) July 5, 2015
The discussion got off the ground right away as delegates made motions to change wording in church policy. The discussions were long, particular, and, at times, controversial.
Dan Jackson repeats his demand to better secure our stand on biblical traditional marriage. #GCSA15
— Vince MacIsaac (@VinceMacIsaac) July 5, 2015
Veloso is worried about this ending up in court and supports the motion. #GCSA15
— David Hamstra ن (@djhamstra) July 5, 2015
Another delegate basically argues that the idea of cohabitation is so ridiculous we shouldn't even consider it. #GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
How is it possible that our church is voting to incorporate the allowance of outright sin into the CM? Wow. #GCSA15
— Rachel Ortiz (@rachelortiz) July 5, 2015
I promise you if those couples wanted to have sex they wouldn't need to be living together to do so. #GCSA15
— ELIEL CRUZ (@elielcruz) July 5, 2015
Amendment to allow co-habitation fails overwhelmingly. #GCSA15 #GC15NW
— Tye Davis (@pastortyedavis) July 5, 2015
Some delegates are embarrassing entire divisions. #GCSA15
— Israel Ramos (@TaraTech) July 5, 2015
Delegate asks if "non-consensual" refers to spousal rape. Answer: Yes #GCSA15
— David Hamstra ن (@djhamstra) July 5, 2015
After awhile, it seemed the proceedings were hard to follow and tedious.
2 things you don't wanna see how they're made, sausages and laws. I'd add to that church manuals and theology. #GCSA15
— Michael Hadley (@MCHadley) July 5, 2015
Call to vote on the amendment Wait, what is the amendment?? This is getting sloppy. #GCSA15
— Jarod Thomas (@beans4breakfast) July 5, 2015
Anyone keeping track of how many points of order have been raised this morning? #GCSA15 #ChurchManual #PointofOrder
— Benjamin Orian (@benorian) July 5, 2015
There's so much procedural intricacies @ #GCSA15 that it's hard 4 this lowly college grad to follow. I move that they spk in plain English.
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
Throughout the meetings in the Dome, Spectrum Magazine staff were on-hand in the convention center to meet and speak with people who came by the Spectrum booth.
@wrightus & I hanging @spectrummag booth aisle C1500. Stop by and say hello! #GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
Meanwhile, #DramaInTheDome continued.
Dave Weigley, CUC president, has returned from NomCom still with a smile. He says, "Pray for us." #GCSA15 #GC15NW
— Tye Davis (@pastortyedavis) July 5, 2015
Those who have seen images of the delegate floor questioned why there were so many empty seats.
1/3 of delegates absent—fill these w/ eager young people @gcsession @spectrummag @AdventistReview #GCSA15 #GCSA2015
— Daniel Wahlen (@danielwahlen) July 5, 2015
Only 1700 of 2500 registered delegates are present today. Where are these people? Have they been paid to come on vacation? #GCSA15 #GC15NW
— Tye Davis (@pastortyedavis) July 5, 2015
I wish we could fill the Alamodome w/ young adults & see how diff. this convo would go. It would do the adults some good to listen. #GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
One Twitter user shared what they would say as a delegate, if given the chance.
@ItsRachelLogan Increase the amount of delegates under 30; deep analysis on retention…as for current debate: why are we having it? #GCSA15
— Daniel Wahlen (@danielwahlen) July 5, 2015
The discussion moved to the electronic voting system, which the GC insisted had not worked properly since the General Conference Session began, despite the company's assurance that the problems are all due to user-error.
Ted Wilson says "we intend to try this system once more. It has been our intention that this system would work nicely, he says." #GCSA15
— SPECTRUM (@spectrummag) July 5, 2015
"If vote is not successful, we will have a recommendation to the body," Wilson says. It looks like voting devices may be scrapped. #GCSA15
— SPECTRUM (@spectrummag) July 5, 2015
The delegates in possession of the electronic voting devices were then counted by division to ensure there was an accurate count on file. Music played as delegates were counted.
Motion to play the Jeopardy theme on the organ during hand counting. Second? #GCSA15
— David Hamstra ن (@djhamstra) July 5, 2015
After the count, a prayer was given over the voting devices.
A prayer is sent up that the voting system will work. Ironically, this isn't the 1st time I've had to pray for broken electronics. #GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
The votes were then cast by electronic device. However, the results showed that the discrepancy of missing votes was larger than the GC was willing to allow.
Another secret ballot vote taken by visible ballot. Adventism is all about ironies. #GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
Wilson moves to cease voting by the electronic system, but to use for "very special votes" the paper system. #GCSA15
— David Hamstra ن (@djhamstra) July 5, 2015
Artur Stele announces that from here on we will use paper ballots as needed and cards otherwise. #GCSA15
— SPECTRUM (@spectrummag) July 5, 2015
#GCSA15 @spectrummag
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
Delegates immediately began lining up to argue for secret ballot. Many Twitter users discussed whether they believed a secret ballot was important.
@ItsRachelLogan I think the secret vote is very necessary for transparency
— Miguel Victoriano G. (@MVictorianoG) July 5, 2015
One delegate spoke her opinion on the subject:
@ItsRachelLogan for many people it means the choice between speaking their minds or keeping their jobs.
— Megen de Bruin-Molé (@MegenJM) July 5, 2015
The tension in the room elevated as the discussion continued. Meanwhile, Twitter had a running commentary of the day and upcoming events.
Surely the Women's World Cup will be less violent than a GC Session? #gcsa15
— Delwin Finch (@delwinfinch) July 5, 2015
Me thinks I will "accidentally" leave my phone at home on Wednesday for my own faith and sanity. #GCSA15 #DramaInTheDome #WO #BeStillMyHeart
— Rubi (@rubirosalie) July 6, 2015
Part of me is so sad i couldn't make it to #GCSA15, the other part is glad cause i'm not sure my faith could handle all this menz.
— ELIEL CRUZ (@elielcruz) July 5, 2015
Millennial perception of demographics at #GCSA15
— Michael Hadley (@MCHadley) July 5, 2015
In the end, not much was decided, and it was moved to finish the conversation the following day. Twitter conversation continued to move quickly as news broke.
Am I the only one with 10 twitter tabs open to follow the livetweeting? #GCSA15
— Emma Crz (@emmacrz) July 5, 2015
At first glance, it may not seem like it, but we tweet because we care, and because we aren't often heard otherwise. #GCSA15
— Jack Brown (@jackbrown74) July 6, 2015
Everyone is dismissed & I'm sitting here thinking: how am I supposed to summarize today for a Twitter roundup for @spectrummag#GCSA15
— Rachel Logan (@ItsRachelLogan) July 5, 2015
If Adventism had a 'Daily Show' it would be co-hosted by @sethjpierce and @ItsRachelLogan. #hilarious #painfullytrue #GCSA15
— Saba (@SabaSaysSo) July 5, 2015
Until tomorrow…
Rachel Logan is a Intern, and a member of the General Conference reporting team in San Antonio, Texas.