Spectrum Journal Discussion Club
The new issue of the Spectrum journal is already arriving in subscribers’ mailboxes. (See it there on the right. It looks pretty good, doesn’t it? Wait ’til you read the inside!) I think that it is a very timely and information-rich issue and we at Spectrum would like to hear your thoughts on the ideas inside.
Thus, we are launching this space as an place for you to visit to share your reactions to the journal as well as read other folks’ responses. Here’s hoping for an interesting discussion.
+In her editorial, “Off-the-Record Conversations on The Road to Atlanta,” Bonnie Dwyer writes that during the General Conference Annual Council session in October, a dinner meeting was held between top level church administrators and a group of noted Adventist donors, including Garwin McNeilus, Dan Houghton, Ed and Ann Zinke, Norman Rice, Dan Smith, Rick Jaeger and Ellsworth McKee.
The topic: La Sierra University and creation/evolution in Adventist higher education.
Dwyer notes that the next day, when being presented with the highest honor of the GC Department of Education, Ed Zinke said that he had a burden for Biblically-based curriculum in Adventist schools.
+In his editorial, “Creation: Fiddling While Rome Burns,” Chuck Scriven lists four objections to young-earth creationism, that no person in the circle of aggressive young-earth creationism can answer.
+In the letters section, Dr. H.J.A. McMahon responds to Fritz Guy’s argument that we should think of Scripture and Nature in the context of progressive present truth. And then Fritz Guy responds to Dr. McMahon.
+Via interview, Pastor Rachel Davies learns about GODencounters, an experientially-based youth faith movement lead by Allan Martin, associate professor of discipleship and family ministry at the Seventh-day Adventist Seminary at Andrews University. This section includes several interesting comments the piece’s first appearance on this site.
+Also, noteworthy from this website, Alden Thompson shares his “Reflections on the Ellen White Conference.”
+On the Bible, D.J.B. Trim envisions an Adventism that is liturgical and reflects on a theology of worship. The piece also includes a creation liturgy with translation work by Milton Adams, Randy Croft, Tom Evans, Don Gibson, Andy McCrary, Andrew McPherson, Larry Witzel and professor Douglas Clark.
+Continuing the Creation theme, Ronald E. Reece writes about “21st Century Challenges to God in His Created Cosmos.”
+My favorite article is Jared Wright’s fact-filled conversation with Benjamin Clausen, Brian S. Bull and Jim Gibson as they explore the question: “Does Adventism Still Need the Geoscience Research Institute?“
+Under the section entitled, Battle for the Soul of Adventism, Bryan Ness, professor of biology at Pacific Union College, writes about “Creation, Evolution and Adventist Higher Education.” Several of Dr. Ness’ poems appear in the issue, including on the back page of the issue.
+Moving across the ocean, Tim Puko, a reporter for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, writes about “The European Battle for the Soul of Adventism.”
+And finally, “In the Eye of the Storm,” Bonnie Dwyer interviews La Sierra University President Randal Wisbey.
As you read through your copy of the journal, we’d appreciate reading your thoughts on the articles.
+Which articles did you like the best?
+With what don’t you agree?
+What’s an idea you had while reading the journal?
+What is a favorite quote?