The Power of Prayer and Palin
I was just catching up on some news from the week. While watching this CNN interview with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Wolf Blitzer introduces an “I Reporter” question about a statement then GOP Vice-presidential candidate Gov. Palin made to James Dobson shortly before the election.
If you can make it through the barage of words in the first minute, you see and hear the question.
This really isn’t about Gov. Palin (has she jumped the shark yet?), but about the the abuse of communicating with God.
Here’s the actual quotes from the Dobson interview from beliefnet:
Dobson says to her, “We’re on the same team. I’m just trying to serve the Lord as you are.” He notes that he and other ministers have prayed for “God’s intervention” and that “God’s perfect will will be done in November the fourth.”
“Well, it is that intercession that is so needed and so greatly appreciated. And I can feel it too, Dr. Dobson. I can feel the power or prayer and that strength is provided through our prayer warriors across this nation and I so appreciate it. [Dobson says, ” Well, you hear that everywhere you do, don’t you?] I do, and that is what allows us to continue to be inspired and strengthened. And it’s just a great reminder also when we hear along the rope lines that people are interceding for us and praying for us; it’s our reminder to do the same, to put this all in God’s hands, to seek his perfect will for this nation and to, of course, seek his wisdom and guidance in putting this nation back on the right track.”
Dobson says that he and other pastors have been praying to God for his intervention in the election: “We were just asking for, rather boldly asking, for a miracle with regard to the election this year..”
“it also strengthens my faith because I’m going to know at the end of the day, putting this in God’s hands, that the right thing for America will be done, the end of the day on November 4th. “
. . .
as we seek God’s wisdom and His will in this election, we have to have faith that it’s all going to be good at the end of the day there on November 4th as this country moves forward.”
I’d say the “I Reporter” guy got it right. But did Gov. Palin?
Did God answer only the safety prayers, just not the future of the nation prayers?
Did God send a message that the future of the nation doesn’t lie with the GOP or Gov. Palin in executive leadership?
Was evil too powerful in electing Obama?
I could go on, but I hope that when politicians and pastors and the rest of us invoke God’s will and the power of prayer in our communities we think through the implications. Why? Because prayer matters.
It seems that those who use prayer for power points or invoke the divine will for results that dissolve into illogic all dishonor this sacrament.