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June TOSC Papers Posted


The papers from the latest Theology of Ordination Study Committee meeting, held the first week of June, have now been published on the Adventist Archives website. The papers on the site include position papers from three different groups the larger committee formed into: Those against women’s ordination (Position #1), those advocating for women’s ordination in the areas that want it (Position #2) and a new, third way, whose proponents say that women’s ordination should be permitted in the areas that want it, but “such regional adaptations, wherever they are allowed, should not negate the general pattern of male-ordained leadership as understood and practiced by the world Church” (Position #3).

In addition to the longer position papers, three “Way Forward” statements have been included, one for each group.

Finally, the text of the two devotionals shared during the meetings is available, and a powerful video, which includes stories from women working in Adventist churches around the world, from Bermuda to Malawi to Florida in the US to Alberta, Canada. 

For anyone who wishes to truly be informed about the issue of women’s ordination in the Adventist church, the TOSC papers available from The Office of Archives, Statistics and Research, are key primary sources. Papers from past TOSC sessions are also available here.

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