Denver Dispatch | Day iii
I’m sitting here in Sabbath School with a bunch of church leaders. Since this is a world forum on the internet and Adventist mission there are several folks on their laptops and new iPhones. Being able to blog in Sabbath School? Count me in!
General Conference Vice-president Lowell Cooper will be giving the sermon. Since my parents never let me read Guide or Insight during the sermon, I will be powering down soon. His sermon title is: Media Convergence and Impact on the Life and Mission of the Church.
One interesting thing here. You know how whenever Adventists from around the world converge they share reports from their regions, well here it’s interesting because the “mission reports” focus on how technology is impacting their mission. Wow. The guy from Inter-America talked about how they are transitioning from generating content for their members to helping their members creating their own online witness!
One thing that I’m puzzled by is even here in a room of very interesting thoughtful folks, Sabbath School is not interactive. As usual it’s folks up front talking while we all listen, which is fine, but we’re missing out on a good discussion. I’ve been to forum in which they open up an irc channel and display the comments on a large screen up front. This adds to the idea exchange.
I just got handed the Summer 2008 NAD Internet Report so here’s some interesting sites listed: