Creation Care for the Discerning Adventist
By: Alexander Carpenter
After you’ve seen An Inconvenient Truth here are eighteen good resources for folks of faith to learn about the issue of climate change and what we as Christians can do.
A significant part of the evangelical world is starting to really care about creation. Read about the Evangelical Environmental Network.
The Adventist church just spent three years and hundreds of thousands
of dollars to understand the chronology of creation. How much time and
money was spent thinking about actually caring for that creation?
We are stewards of our billionaire church; where is our elected leadership investing our tithe? Do we have a green, renewable resource policy? Do our leaders really care for creation, or merely care about chronology?
Perhaps the creator might ask us about what we did with everything after the first six days?
Or, of course we could just rehash 1844
for the hundredth time. . .wait, let’s face it, we’ve got a new millennium;
we’re post-disappointment Adventists–wherever Jesus ministers
architecturally, this planet could use a little attention from the
Didn’t Jesus have something to say about those waiting, foolish virgins who burned up all their oil?