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Art: The Curriculum at SDA Colleges in North America

By Sharon Fujimoto-Johnson

Fall quarter classes are just getting underway at many colleges in North America. How is art faring at Adventist colleges? Here’s what can be discovered in a quick browse of art department web sites:

Andrews University Art Department
No. of Faculty/Staff: 6
Programs offered: BFA in graphic design, BFA in visual art (emphasis in ceramics, painting, photography, pre-art therapy, printmaking), BA in art (emphasis in art history, pre-art therapy, visual arts), BS in art education

Of interest: The pre-art therapy program for students interested in art therapy careers
Professor Greg Constantine’s artwork was featured on the Spring 2000 cover of Spectrum.
Atlantic Union College Art DepartmentNo. of Faculty/Staff: 1?Programs Offered: BA or AFA in art, BFA in drawing, painting, or 3-dimensional design, BS in business and management of art, BS in pre-art therapy, BS in pre-scientific illustration

Canadian University College Art Department
No. of Faculty/Staff: 1
Programs offered: courses in drawing, design, oil painting, pottery

Instructor John Hoyt’s artwork was featured on the Winter 2002 cover of Spectrum.

La Sierra University Art Department
No. of Faculty/Staff: 6
Programs offered: BFA in fine art, BFA in graphic design, BA in art, BA in art/Pre-Den, Pre-Med Program

Of interest: The art program for pre-dentistry and pre-medicine students
Professor Beatriz Mejia-Krumbein’s artwork was featured on the Spring 2005 cover of Spectrum. Professor Peter Erhard’s artwork was featured on the Summer 2002 cover of Spectrum.

Pacific Union College Department of Visual Arts
No. of Faculty/Staff: 8
Programs offered: BA and BS in fine art, BS and AS in graphic design (with optional illustration or web emphasis), BS and AS in photography, BS in film and television

Of interest: The film and television major
The artwork of professors Milbert Mariano, Thomas Morphis, Cliff Rusch, and Tom Turner have been featured on various Spectrum covers.

Southern Adventist University School of Visual Art and Design
No. of Faculty/Staff: 12
Programs offered: BA in art and in art therapy, BA and AS in graphic design, BFA in fine arts and in art education, BS in animation, film production, graphic design, and animation & computer science

Of interest: Student-produced films and the animation program
   Southwestern Adventist University Fine Arts & Music Department No. of Faculty/Staff: 2Programs offered: courses in drawing, painting, two- and three-dimensional arts, art history
Union College Division of Fine Arts
No. of Faculty/Staff: 3+
Program offered: BS and AS in graphic design, BS in art education, BA in studio art, AS in art

Of interest: The division of fine arts includes both visual arts and music programs.

Walla Walla College Department of Art and Department of Technology
No. of Faculty/Staff: 2 and 2.5 + adjunct professors
Programs offered in the Department of Art: BA in art with commercial art or fine art concentration
Programs offered in the Department of Technology: BS in graphic design, BS in new media imaging, BS in industrial design, AS in graphic communications

Of interest: Art classes seem to be split between the art and technology departments. Design is grouped with aviation and automotive programs in the technology department; fine art is in the art department.

(The above data on art programs was gleaned from art department web sites and is as accurate as possible, based on what I can determine from information available online. Did I miss anything? Let me know.)

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