Adventist News Potluck: Vice and politics edition
The who-says-politics-ain’t-for-Adventists edition? Aka, the temperance edition. Dare to be a Daniel?
An Adventist whose fireman brother died in NYC on 9/11 looks back.
The Berea Seventh-day Adventist church, in Dorchester, MA, mourns for an Adventist soldier, killed in Iraq.
“Enticed by its promise of tuition aid, Zayas joined the Army in April 2004 against the wishes of his parents. . .Zayas, 29, was killed in Baghdad Aug. 26, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his patrol.”
Adventist teacher turners 109: “A strict Seventh-day Adventist, Brown never smoked or drank. Travel, flowers and cats were her only vices.”
Speaking of vices, Collegegale, TN, home of Southern Adventist University, must decide if a little alcohol is good for business. According to WRCB TV, “Garcia, like many other Christians in the predominantly Seventh-Day
Adventist town, fear ‘Liquor By The Drink’ would hurt more than help
the city.”
But the mayor points out:
“This is a free country and they have the right to oppose that, but the
society that we live in today, people want to have a nice sit-down
restaurant and be able to have a glass of wine with their dinner and
they ought to be able to have that freedom.”
And finally (no, really FINALLY!), is that the sound of youth pastors shaving everywhere? Go Goatee, Go!
In the Washington Post, Michelle Boorstein writes,
[A] sarcastic cover photo — a young, cute guy wearing a goatee and
jeans, with a guitar slung across his back and tossing a Frisbee —
conjures up memories many adult Americans carry of the people who were
assigned by their church, temple or mosque to be with them when they
were young. . .that guy is passe.
Boorstein quotes the head of North American Youth Ministries for
the Seventh-day Adventist Church:
The Elder James L. Black Sr. says, “the faith community realized in
the past few years that old methods such as simple Bible classes
weren’t even close to working. As a society, one day we just woke up and realized we ran into a
brick wall. What are we saying to these kids? If we don’t keep up,
we’ll be left behind.”
Wait, he calls himself “senior?”
Yup, let’s see those hip new Adventist leaders here. Hmm. . .at least our director is up-to-date.
Well, at least “JB” is blogging, and if reading two-month-old messages about how his daughter was a virgin at her wedding won’t keep our children in the church, I mean, hey, we can always blame that Satan music.