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Adventism in Africa for the Asheville Advent Zoom Forum

Guguletha Nyoni,

On Saturday, August 26, at 3 p.m. (Eastern), Gugulethu Nyoni will present “Adventism in Africa and Embracing Equality” for the online meeting of the Asheville Adventist Forum chapter. All are invited.

Nyoni, who is a Zimbabwean developmental economist and an information and communications technology entrepreneur based in Pretoria, South Africa, has been invited to reflect on the Adventist Church throughout the continent of Africa, where its three divisions represent nearly half of total church membership. 

Specifically, Ronald Lawson, organizer of the Asheville Forum chapter, hopes that Nyoni, a passionate thinker and speaker on religion and society, will help attendees develop a more nuanced understanding of Adventism and its diversity throughout Africa. Lawson says that North American Adventists are often familiar with headlines about rapid growth; a relatively youthful membership; and thriving universities and the need for more campuses, including a medical school.

He adds that headlines also include those about Adventists in high places, such as the current President of Zambia, and the former Prime Minister and Vice-President of Uganda; questionable actions by church leaders, including involvement with harsh laws against LGBTQ people; and the strong votes of African delegates at General Conference Sessions against the ordination of women.

Lawson admits these headlines provide a limited view and asks Nyoni to address “to what extent they give us warped understandings of the African Adventist Church.”


Saturday, August 26, 20203 – 3 p.m. (eastern) / 12 p.m. (pacific) / 2 p.m. (central)

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Meeting ID: 891 0165 2323  


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