NAD Leaders Will Speak at Church-Organized Rally Tonight in Washington DC
The North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists is responding to the shooting deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile with a march on Washington this evening. Adventist congregations near the North American Division headquarters have organized the march at which the division president and executive secretary will speak. The following announcement has been released on social media:
Washington DC area churches are organizing this event [tonight], Saturday at 6:30 pm, local church congregations will come together to let our voices be heard! PLEASE wear RED.
The deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile at the hands of those sworn to protect us cannot, must not go unnoticed by our church community!
We also remember the 5 Dallas police officers killed Thursday night in the line of duty!
Pastors Dan Jackson and Alex Bryant from the North American Division, will be joining local churches and will be speaking.
If you are in the Washington, DC join us on Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 6:30 pm at the Lincoln Memorial. In solidarity, we will march to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial announcing that not another day will go by without our voices being heard regarding the senseless killings of our fathers, sons, daughters, brothers and sisters at the hands of law enforcement.
We're requesting that everyone wear RED symbolizing the innocent blood flowing in the streets.
We Will Stand for All! #wewillstandforall #standwhereyoulive
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