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Classes Resume for Redwood Adventist Academy Students


Pacific Union's “All God’s People” video program reports that classes have resumed for Redwood Adventist Academy students. The Tubbs Fire in California destroyed the school on October 9, along with many other businesses and homes in the Santa Rosa area.


Students are now meeting at the Santa Rosa Seventh-day Adventist Church and Rio Lindo Adventist Academy, reports Connie Vandeman Jeffery in “All God’s People.”


In the video below, Redwood Adventist Academy employee Dee Ross shares what she found combing through the wreckage of the school: a ceramic pig that once sat on her desk and held candy, pens, and other treasures. “It’s the only thing in my office that seems to have survived,” Ross said while holding back tears.


Although the property was insured, there will be other costs for the school and its families. A fundraiser has been created at: “Each pencil, crayon, and dollar is very appreciated,” Vandeman Jeffery told viewers.


WATCH Pacific Union "All God's People” (the report on Redwood Adventist Academy begins at 2:24):



Alisa Williams is managing editor of

Image Credit: Video Still


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