Valentine’s Day Love Song
Treasured things may easily be stored.
Push a bookcase here or there, fill it up
with history, biography, theology,
a gripping tale and silken words of poetry;
perhaps a leafy, single potted plant
with purple petals spreading perfume.
To store a heart is different. They do not come
in leather-bound editions or Grecian bowls.
Intangible as moonbeams, personal, they seek to rest
within another heart, freely given; a mirror image
and a kindred spirit. Aromatic as a knotted garden,
of lavender, lemon balm, rosemary and thyme,
blended hearts bloom and flourish both together,
survive as one, through storm and blight sustained.
When comes the hour of fleeting breath
and fading beat, the pitcher shattered at the spring,
companion heart, though crushed like hyssop,
knows enduring fragrance. Only they who love truly live.
New Zealand born Mary Trim, who writes as Marye Trim, has a PhD in English Literature (Loughborough, UK, 1998) and studied journalism at the University of Queensland, Australia. She has authored five published books and hundreds of inspirational articles, stories and poems and was a newspaper columnist for nine years, while also working as missionary teacher in India and Thailand. She feels called to writing ministry and sees herself as akin to those “Out of Zebulon, they who handle the pen of the writer” (Judges 5:14).
Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash
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