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Sabbath Sermon: Manuel Arteaga on Sabbath and Justice


In his sermon series on the Sabbath, Pastor Manuel Arteaga of the Kalēo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Glendale, California explores the centrality of justice to the Fourth Commandment. “God reminds us through the Sabbath, ‘I want my world to be a just world,'” Arteaga says.

This sermon was delivered on September 2, 2023 at Kalēo.

Arteaga is the founding pastor of Kalēo Seventh-day Adventist Church in Southern California. He has a degree in Business Administration from La Sierra University, a Masters in Theological Studies from HMS Richards Divinity School, and is currently working on his Doctorate in Urban Ministry at Fuller Seminary.

Jared Wright is Weekend Editor of Spectrum

Title image: screenshot from “Sabbath Life – Justice” sermon.

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