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Adventist Health Stillborn Reporting Policy Leads to Woman’s Arrest (Health News Headlines)


Adventist Health Stillborn Reporting Policy Leads to Woman’s Arrest. On January 3, Adora Perez, 29, gave birth to a stillborn child at the Adventist Health Hanford hospital. According to Melinda Morales, a spokesperson for Adventist Health in the Central Valley, the health system’s policy requires that its birth center staff notify the county coroner’s office of any stillbirth after 20 weeks. During evaluation by the attending physician and medical staff, the baby tested positive for methamphetamines. Two hours after the delivery, medical staff called the coroner according to policy, and also placed a call to Child Protective Services. CPS notified the police, leading to a search of Perez’ home. After police found evidence of methamphetamine use, they arrested Perez and booked her on suspicion of second-degree murder. From Fresno Bee, “This woman delivered a stillborn baby. Now she’s in jail and accused of murder.”

Adventist Health Plans Transition of 275 Jobs to Cerner Corporation. In a move expected to save approximately $300 million over three years, California-based Adventist Health will transition 275 jobs to the Cerner Corporation. Of the positions at Adventist Health’s Roseville, California headquarters subject to transitioning, approximately 190 will become health IT positions and the other 85 positions will transition to revenue processing. All are expected to be retained long term, but the nature of the jobs may change. Adventist Health has a longstanding partnership with Cerner, which the health system expects will continue to grow. The employees whose jobs will be transitioning will begin working for Cerner in April, but they will remain in Adventist Health’s Roseville headquarters. Employees affected by the transition will have 60 days to accept the offer to move from Adventist Health to Cerner. From EHR Intelligence, “275 Adventist Health Jobs Transition to Cerner for Partnership.”

Loma Linda University and Florida Hospital Open New NICU Facilities. Adventist healthcare providers in California and Florida have opened new level II neonatal intensive care units. Loma Linda University Health opened its new six-bed Murrieta, California facility on January 17. Florida Hospital opened its ten-bed, Altamonte, Florida facility on January 23. The facilities enable hospital staff to treat the most common problems that can occur with premature infants born at or after 32 weeks gestation: short-term mechanical ventilation, treatment for jaundice, help with feeding, or treatment with antibiotics.

Florida Hospital Ups Security With Gunpowder Sniffing Dogs. Florida Hospital is increasing its security throughout all its Central Florida campuses with canines trained to detect gunpowder. The dogs are part of a three-tiered security force, conceived partly in response to the Pulse nightclub shooting tragedy and other mass shooting incidents across the country. Florida Hospital has invested $3.5 million in bolstering its security measures since Pulse according to Eric Stevens, senior executive officer of Florida Hospital’s acute care service. Measures include use of 2,500 security cameras, metal detectors, plain-clothes security personnel, and now, dogs. From Orlando Sentinel, “Florida Hospital implementing new security measures.”


Jared Wright is a News Correspondent for

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