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The Kingdom of Beauty



A daisy shoulders its way

through a crack

in the concrete



A kintsugi artisan restores

a shattered pot

with veins of gold

making it better than before.


A pianist touches a chord

that resonates up and

down the soundboard

bringing tears to those who hear.


A young woman visits

her bed-bound grandmother

with nothing to gain

but her happiness.




Creator God, source of all

that takes our breath away,

each day your sunrise takes the stage,

and your sunset takes a bow,


Savior God, source of all healing,

with potter’s hands

you restore beauty

amid the wreckage of our lives.


Holy God, source of all goodness,

our hearts, in resonance with yours,

love and laugh and live,

sharing the beauty of holiness.


Lord of all, thank you for love(liness)

in a broken world –

for making the Kingdom of God

a Kingdom of Beauty.


Don has spent the majority of his career in education teaching from academy to post graduate. For the past 18 years he has been in academic administration first as Chief Academic Officer and now as Assistant to the President for AdventHealth University. Don has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and a Master of Divinity degree from Andrews University, and a Ph.D. in Counseling from Purdue University.

Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

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