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Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in writing for Spectrum! We look forward to reading your submission. We highly recommend spending some time reading our current content to familiarize yourself with the types of articles and essays we publish before you submit.

We welcome submissions on topical Adventist issues of interest to our global readership. We endeavor to publish a wide variety of voices, from a wide geographic range, and on a wide array of topics. 

We adhere to high journalistic standards, aiming to only publish fair and honest reporting. Essays and opinion pieces should offer a fresh approach and thoughtful observations on the subject matter. Quality writing stands out.

Please send your query or complete manuscript to

Submissions will be reviewed by our editorial staff and they will notify you about whether or not your submission was accepted, and whether it will appear in our print journal or online (or both). Please note: due to space limitations in our print journal, the vast majority of accepted submissions are published to our website.

Please include a short author bio (1-3 sentences), written in the third person, that briefly tells our readers who you are. If you have any images or image suggestions (if they belong to you or are in the public domain), you may include those as well. We do our best to respond promptly.

Additional FAQs:

• We prefer original, unpublished writing, and especially appreciate first-hand reports from events, such as conferences, GYC, General Conference Session, constituency meetings, etc.

• Preferred article length is 500 to 1,500 words, but longer pieces are also accepted.

• Submissions should be attached as Word or Google documents. Please do NOT send PDFs.

• Our editors may make copy editing changes to written pieces before publication.

• Please avoid proof-text type citations of Scripture. Instead of a single verse, we prefer Biblical references that provide context and encourage reading for narrative flow and historical meaning.

• We do occasionally re-publish material that has appeared elsewhere with permission and attribution, and ask that you secure permission from the original publication before submitting.

• Simultaneous submissions are accepted, however, please be sure to withdraw your piece promptly if it’s accepted elsewhere. Likewise, if we accept your piece, please notify the other organizations you submitted to promptly and withdraw the piece from them.

• Spectrum contributors retain rights to their work for re-publishing. Please include an appropriate attribution in future publications such as, “This piece was originally published by Spectrum magazine (”

• We are not currently able to offer payment for publication.

• Please note that we do not “unpublish” articles. If you submit an article to Spectrum for publication and we accept, once it is published (whether in the print journal or online) it will stay published. The articles we publish are a contract with our readers; to unpublish a piece would be to violate our journalistic integrity and credibility with our audience. Please keep this in mind before submitting your work for consideration. If a factual error is discovered in an article after publication, we will make the correction and add an editorial note concerning the change.

Thank you again for your interest in writing for Spectrum magazine!