Weimar Academy and College Get a “New Start”
Amazing Facts News Release July 1, 2008
SACRAMENTO, CALIF. The Amazing Facts and Weimar boards have voted to keep the renowned Weimar Academy and College open this coming school year.
Early in 2008, Weimar College faced a serious financial shortfall that handicapped its ongoing basic operations. With great reluctance, the acting Weimar board voted to cease the operations of the college. However, soon after, a miraculous agreement was reached to join Weimar with Amazing Facts.
Now, the recent partnership has provided Weimar Institute with a bright new future for these important centers of education.
Says Pastor Doug Batchelor, president of Amazing Facts, “Both Weimar Academy and College are incredible centers of learning. Nestled in one of the most beautiful North American locations, we want to give these vital institutions the capacity to grow and be at their best, so more students can experience the superior practical, spiritual, and health education that flows from these halls. Adventists must do all we can to keep life-defining education centers strong.”
Currently, initial renovations of buildings and the final hiring of new staff are under way for both the college and academy.
In addition, during the first semester of 2008, the Amazing Facts College of Evangelism (AFCOE) will offer its four-month training course and a general studies program. Weimar College, in step with a growing number of Adventist higher-learning institutions, is now accepting AFCOE hours as course credit.
In another exciting development, one-year certificate programs in pastoral ministry and health evangelism, including massage and hydrotherapy, will be offered beginning in January of 2009. Those completing these programs will have the option of continuing on with degrees that will further prepare them to be effective in service to God and man. Plus, missionary preparedness training and Christian media ministry will be offered as concentrated areas of study.
According to Don Mackintosh, Weimar’s interim academic director, “Great excitement and anticipation is in the air! If current requests for applications at AFCOE-to-Go [a short-term evangelism training course to] are any indication, we are very encouraged about future growth! We had to move the previous class from the planned location in the college building to the newly renovated chapel to make sure we had enough space!”
Finally, Pastor Batchelor adds, “The future of Weimar is one full of unlimited possibilities. With the partnership of the academy and college, along with the world-famous NEWSTART, which is growing and going strong, it can become a powerful force in reaching people, body and soul, for the kingdom of God and training an army of ministry-minded workers.”