UPDATED: Live Tweets from Marriage, Homosexuality and the Church Conference
It’s day two of the Marriage, Homosexuality and the Church Conference being held at Andrews University.
You can follow along on the topics being discussed on the floor in front of about two hundred attendees by checking out Spectrum’s tweets here.
Full reports with photos coming soon, recapping the main points of the conference.
In the mean time, here are some updates from Twitter:
Scott Zetner (CSUSB) is arguing that the Bible corresponds with “natural law.” Both oppose homosexuality
Zetner goes on to say that we should feel squeamish when “Bobby” wants to play with Barbies, not Tonka trucks.
Zetner–Pejorative use of “gay” as in, “That’s so gay” points to an eternal reality in nature.
Zenter–“To me, saying there can be same sex marriage is like pigs flying. It just isn’t so. “
Dr. Gary Wood: “Homosexuality is a practice that frustrates nature even at most primordial levels.”
Nicholas Miller, esq. on Gay Marriages: “Even in polygamy, a child has a mother and a father.”
Nicholas Miller: “Natural law is the only moral compass we have as a society.”
Andrews Seminary prof. Roy Gane shares concern that the church not prioritize cultural factors over and against the Bible on topic of homosexuality.
Robert A. J. Gagnon on homosexual chastity: “Being celibate does not mean living without love.”
Gagnon to gays: “Take up your cross, lose your life, come follow him.” An affirmation of depravation in order to be more christlike.
Roy Gane: “We need to teach people how to live celibate lives in fulfilling ways.”
Mark Yarhouse (Regent University): “I have not met people who choose same-sex attraction.”
Yarhouse: Same sex attraction leads to same-sex behavior, which leads to questioning of identity, and that in turn leads to self-labeling
Yarhouse: Gay community has ready script for youth trying to figure out identity; Church doesn’t offer alternate script, Yarhouse says.
Yarhouse: “God can do a lot if you do not marry.” Orientation may or may not change.
Pastor Esther Knott interviewing Wayne Blakely, a former homosexual who is telling the story of coming out of gay lifestyle.
Blakely: “Is it God’s plan for me to be heterosexual instantly? Who’s to say, I might begin chasing women instantly.”
Blakely: “The opposite of homosexuality is not heterosexuality, it’s holiness.” Audience applauds this.
When an SDA pastor once compared Blakely to a pedophile, Blakely asked, “Should I leave now? Should I go live in a cave with a Bible?”
Blakely says he does not believe gays should hold church office unless they repent and do not engage in “inappropriate” sexual behavior.
Follow along at http://twitter.com/spectrummag
Full reports coming soon.