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UltraViolet Arts Festival Brings High-energy End of Spectrum to the Adventist Community


The 2015 Spectrum Ultraviolet Arts Festival will take place on the weekend of September 12 and 13, 2015 at the Glendale City Church.  To get the word out, we are starting a Twitter gallery using the hashtag #UVArtsFest where you can share your art from paintings to poetry and photography to film.  Include an image, text, or link to your artwork.  If you add #Adventist, #MyChurchToo, and @spectrummag to your tweet we will be sure not to miss it.  The Tweet with the most favorites and retweets will receive a free festival registration.

The events begin Saturday morning, September 12 with a special Glendale City Church service at 10:50 AM, followed in the afternoon with a free classical piano concert by Hyak Arsenyan at 4:00 PM. Saturday’s events culminate in a live concert featuring indie singer-songwriter Jennifer Knapp and Aaron Beaumont at 7:30 PM.  The arts festival itself begins Sunday morning at 9:00 AM with Jennifer Knapp headlining. Other presenters throughout the day include: 

Aaron Beaumont
Clint Lewis
Mindy Bielas
Alexander Carpenter
Nathan French
Alethia Dance Company
Leslie Foster
Kevin Ekvall
Rajeev Sigamoney.  

We will conclude the day with a first look at the companion dialogue film to Seventh-Gay Adventists presented by Daneen Akers and Stephen Eyer followed by a hosted conversation ending at 7:30 PM. In addition, there will be a pop up gallery and interactive installations to engage participants during the day.  

The Saturday morning church service and Classical piano concert are free and open to the public. Tickets for the Saturday night concert with Jennifer Knapp are $15 online and $20 at the door. Registration for the all day Sunday arts festival is $25 for students, $50 for Spectrum members, and $75 for non-members. Admission to the Saturday night concert is included with registration for the Sunday arts festival. Also, don’t forget your lunch money. We have some awesome food trucks lined up for lunch!

With this festival, we are focused on providing a safe place for artists of every type to gather, network, encourage, and inspire us all. We want the festival to provide space to explore perspectives and engage questions rather than requiring pre-defined answers. The framing question for the weekend is “Where do you find hope?”  

Ultraviolet references the high energy, invisible, extreme end of the Spectrum. More energetic than visible light, ultraviolet light stimulates many substances to fluoresce and is notorious damaging skin, but it also forms bone-nourishing Vitamin D. Similarly, artists in the church help us to sense life in new ways. While some may find this threatening, others are energized by the new perspectives art brings. I hope you will join us in September to celebrate artists, the arts, and the many ways they help us find hope.

Title:  Spectrum Ultraviolet Arts Festival
Date: September 12 and 13, 2015
Location:  Glendale City Church, 610 E California Ave, Glendale, CA 91206
Website and registration:

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