Truth to Media Power: Priest Cleans Up re: Rev. Wright
Not that I want to rehash the simplistic brouhaha over Rev. Wright, but this interview with Rev. Michael L. Pfleger reframes the issues prophetically.
It’s great to see a minister of the gospel pushing back against the spinning ignorance of our gotcha political culture.
I’ve been disappointed to see Seventh-day Adventists ignorantly parroting the Fox News perspective without actually listening to the sermons of Rev. Wright in toto. Why this opining from ignorance? Why laud pundits who have never read an entire Dr. Cone book or ministered in a ghetto? Baby boomers, is this the America you want to leave to the next generation?
But here is a man who knows the good Rev. and is not afraid to speak from his life experience. He actually knows our prophet Jeremiah.
Compare that to the sound bite relationship of the reporter; it’s interesting to see him cycle through the mainstreaming opinions of his pundit pals as he tries to articulate a critique, but the priest exposes the shallow fear sputtering out of his 2D relationship with the meaning of Christianity.
Who do you believe: the fearful editing artists on cable news or this strong, thoughtful minister?
I believe that America needs more brave pastors like this one.