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Three Angles Headlines: Vegetarianism May Mean Low Sperm Count


This week in Adventist headlines:

The Washingtonian named Seventh-day Adventist Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Houston, the meanest Democratic Congress member of 2014. Rankings are based on anonymous surveys given to congressional employees who rank their bosses. Read the full story here.

Researchers at Loma Linda University Medical School discovered that men who are vegans and vegetarians may have significantly reduced sperm counts than men who are meat eaters.  According to the study, a non-meat diet may reduce fertility. More here.


The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Zambia received commendation for supplementing government efforts in the areas of education, health, and community development. Petauke District Commissioner Velenasi Moyo honored the church. The rest of the story available here.

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