Thinking about the future
By Elaine Nelson (promoted from the comments section)
Under the “Charles Scriven: Reaction to Davidson / Gane / Tonstad / Larson” post, several folks have been pressing forward in thinking about how to be biblically informed Adventists while recognizing that the cultures and perhaps even principles differ across time and space. Elaine writes:
appears to be a popular thread so perhaps there are those who would be
willing to submit a book or source of studies for a SS class on the
contemporary issues facing Christians today.
new scientific [and social] advances present us with problems that do not have a
“thus saith the Lord” answer from scripture, such as: stem-cell
research, immigration issues, minimum wage, globalization and its
effect on our economy, the environment and how Christians should
address these and similar questions. Today, many of these problems are
placed on ballots for voting. Without giving direct answers, what
questions should Christians be asking?
Is there a source for determining both pro and con on such issues so that Christians can become better informed?
Any ideas will be welcomed.”
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