On the Ten Rules of Friendship
- That the first law of friendship is, they must neither ask of their friend what is Undecent; nor grant it if themselves be asked.
- Let no man choose him for his friend whom it shall be possible for him ever after to hate; for though the society may justly be interrupted, yet love is an immortal thing; and I will never despise him I could once think worthy of my love.
- There are two things which a friend can never pardon, a treacherous blow, and the revealing of a secret, because they are against the nature of friendships; they are the adulteries of it, and dissolve the Union.
- Never accuse thy friend, nor believe him that does; if thou dost, thou has broken the skin; but he that is angry with every little fault breaks the bones of friendship.
- Give thy friend counsel wisely and charitably, but leave him to his liberty whether he will follow thee, or no; and be not angry if thy counsel be rejected: for, advice is no Empire, and he is not my friend that will be my Judge, whether I will or not.
- Never be a Judge between thy friends in any matter where both set their hearts upon the victory: if strangers or enemies be litigants, whatever side thou favourest, thou gettest a friend; but when friends are the parties, thou losest one.
- Never comport thyself so, as that thy friend can be afraid of thee. No man is a friend to a Tyrant; but that friendship is Tyranny, where the love is changed into fear, equality into empire, society into obedience; for then all my kindnesses to him also will be no better than flattery.
- When you admonish your friend, let it be without bitterness; when you chide him, let it be without reproach; when you praise him let it be with worthy purposes, and for just causes, and in friendly measures.
- When all things else are equal, prefer an old friend before a new. An old friend is like old wine, which when a man hath drunk he doth not desire new, because he saith that the old is better.
- After all this, treat thy friend nobly, love to be with him, do to him all the worthinesses of love and fair endearment, according to thy capacity and his; bear with his infirmities till they approach being criminal; but never dissemble with him, never despise him, never leave him.
From The Measures and Offices of Friendship
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David Larson teaches in the School of Religion at Loma Linda University.