The Spectrum Blog Thanks You
The Spectrum Blog has been around for about two years. And the new site celebrates four months this week as well.
It started as a roundup of Adventism online and now generates its own press (see the latest Adventist Today article on Folkenberg.) This has been a community effort all along — with wisdom from Bonnie, Leigh and Sharon early, then Johnny and later the whole Bloggin’ the 28 fun and more recently adding the new redesign team of Milbert, Daneen, Drupal-master Jonathan, Alita, our columnists, and the collegiate crew.
Since we launched the new site in mid-November:
- 213,770 pageviews
- 23,846 absolute unique visitors
- who read an average of 3.39 pages per visit
- who spend an average of 6.13 mins on the site per visit
- most read article is This Evangelism Corrupts Adventism 2,488 viewed it 3060 times.
- Australians have visited thousands of times, barely edging out the UK. Who’s in Perth?
- And after the almost 4000 from California, Floridians take a healthy second, thanks to folks in Altamonte Springs and Casselberry.
- But overall it’s amazing to look at the maps and see the dots from folks in Kent County, MI, or Gresham, OR, Shreveport, LA, Petersberg, AK, the several hundred around Sao Paulo, Brazil, and the repeat visits from Adventists in Iran, India, South Africa and China. There are some folks in Medellin and Baranquilla, Colombia who are very faithful readers.
I appreciate all the lurking readers and especially our lively commentariat. Even through the arguments, y’all show that an Adventism in open conversation works. While little beats being face-to-face (humanity cannot live by thread(s) alone), being present online can sometimes create deeper present truth. Hopefully, we can meet up at the next Adventist Forums conference in Orlando, Florida, and of course, we’ll be there for the kin-dom of God.
At least for tonight, I’m off to bed, where the truth lies. Peace.