Paulsen visits Cuba
From Adventist News Network:
A recently retired pastor, Alvarez was given a
hero’s welcome for his contribution to a Seventh-day Adventist
congregation, which on Sunday, November 4, officially dedicated a new
church. Once a political advisor to the leaders of the Cuban
revolution, Alvarez returned to celebrate a victory of God in a town at
the foothills of Sierra Maestra Mountains in Southeastern Cuba.
Speaking at the opening session of the IAD meeting,
Paulsen recognized the church’s “strong focus on mission.” He also
emphasized the church’s need to “build strong communities and meet the
world from a position of strength.”
He continued the theme of Adventist involvement in society when
addressing a representation of the state and local government on
Sunday. “We don’t carry a political agenda. As a church, we are aware
that while we are a spiritual community, we are committed to building
society,” he said.
Referring to “positive engagement in society,” Paulsen added that
Adventists “want to make a contribution to communities, and to make
communities more secure.”