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NEWS HEADLINES: Sanitarium Can Keep Making Weet-Bix Tax Free*


Weet-Bix Maker Enjoys Continuing Tax Exemption. The Adventist-owned New Zealand company Sanitarium, maker of Weet-Bix and Marmite, remains exempt from taxes on its business earnings despite a recent government reevaluation of charities.  *Sanitarium maintains its operations meet the charitable expectations required by the Charities Act and pays all other required taxes. From The New Zealand Herald, “Sanitarium safe from charity crackdown.”

Financial Shortfall Follows Liberian Ebola Crisis. The Ebola crisis in Liberia has disrupted the Adventist school system’s finances in that country, causing Theresa Dweh Sherif, the education director for the Adventist Church’s Monrovia-based, South-West Liberia Conference, to ask the government for subsidies.  The Adventist school system was required to pay its teachers while schools were closed during the height of the Ebola outbreak last year, yet students were not paying tuition, which emptied the schools’ accounts. While schools have reopened, there are now no funds to pay teachers. From The New Dawn, “SDA Schools Appeal for Subsidy.”

Adventist Techie Conference Held Online, Talks Gaming, Bitcoin. The 2015 Global Adventist Internet Network (GAiN) conference was an online event this year that included 3,800 individuals from over 100 countries, using four languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish.  The conference promoted gaming for both education and evangelism outreach. Presentations also included how to operate an information technology department on a budget and an overview of the increasing popularity and uses of virtual currency like Bitcoin. From Adventist News Network, “Adventist tech experts promote gamification for education ministry.”

Kenyan President Praises, Donates to Adventist University of Africa. Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta visited Adventist University of Africa (AUA) to support construction of its new science complex. Kenyatta spoke to nearly 4,000 attendees, praising the Adventist Church for being an “exemplary partner in transforming Kenya.” Kenyatta, the first to donate toward the Health Sciences Building project, also noted that the Adventist University is unique–Kenya’s only university focusing solely on post-graduate studies.  Kenyatta thanked the Adventist Church for discipleship, compassion, and philanthropy. “By touching hearts, improving minds and healing the sick, you bring the word of God to life as a light to humankind,” he said. From the Adventist News Network, “Kenya’s President pledges support for Adventist education.”

Adventist Health System Gives Union College $2M. Union College in Lincoln, Nebraska will receive a $2 million endowment from Florida-based Adventist Health System. Barry Forbes, chair of Union’s Business and Computer Science Division said, “The funds will underwrite the Adventist Health System Endowed Chair of Business Administration and will provide resources to allow us to explore new initiatives that will provide our graduates with an even stronger preparation for business leadership.” From Union College, “Adventist Health System makes $2 million endowment gift to Union College.”

Pam Dietrich taught English at Loma Linda Academy for 26 years and served there eight more years as the 7-12 librarian.  She lives in Redlands, CA.

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