Nam/Goldstein Interlogue
Make sure that you get over to LLU Professor Julius Nam’s Progressive Adventism site for an informative interlogue with our pal Clifford Goldstein.
Nam: Some who read your writings, especially on matters of belief,
have formed an impression of you as a dogmatic, militantly partisan,
even closed-minded individual. But I’ve heard others (who have
disagreed with you) describe you as a fair-minded, fun person to
fellowship with. What are your critics not seeing or understanding?
Goldstein: Well, I think there tends to be a lot of energy and forcefulness in
my writings that turns some folks off. I try and hone in on my point as
sharply and strongly as I can. That gives the impression of dogmatism,
I know, and I suppose to a degree it’s a fairly accurate
representation, though I have mellowed with age. I think too that
because I started writing as a pretty new Adventist, with a lot of zeal
and fire, I got that reputation early on, and even though I have
mellowed out (though folks who didn’t like “Seventh-Day Darwinians”
might disagree) your past tends to follow you long into the future.