Martin Marty on Sex and the Seminary
Last week I posted a new study on sexuality and seminaries. It garnered some interesting conversation.
But, I think that the nadir for me was when one commentator crowed about not being refuted yet here. . .as if this site contains the evidence of the world. If one is right on this site, does that mean anything?
Is our job as human conversation partners to merely throw out opinions and facts and wait for someone to try to change our mind? In some ways this treats the Spectrum community as their own personal research assistants – a human wikipedia for the man too lazy to search.
I’ve always admired the persons who take their opinions out into the world of contrary evidence, even Google-ing against their own idea, source, or stat rather than asking everyone else to check it for them. One of the indicators of a poor blog is when truth becomes bounded by what an opponent fails to bring to the table. That’s discussing deadening solipsism. I really appreciate that most of our community members look outward; we all improve as a result.
Speaking of outward focus (and knowledge-based insight into religion), Martin Marty also commented on last week’s sexuality study.
Did you know that there is a Religious Institute on Sexual Morality, Justice and Healing? Last Thursday, January 8, the Institute, together with Union Theological Seminary in New York, issued a fifty-two page report, which is a call for North American Theological Seminaries to offer more courses and programs to help prepare ministers, rabbis, priests, and other religious professionals to address issues of sexuality better than they now do.
Through the years I have met with leaders and constituents of the Association of Theological Schools; I have some awareness of how many pressures are on them to add teaching personnel, field-work opportunities, and courses to deal with every kind of ethical and cultural issue of the day: pop culture, science-and-theology, war and peace, dealing with technology, and many more. All this at a time when the schools are under serious budgetary constraints. Seasoned leaders are cautioned against curricular faddism and are conscientious about sustaining integrity in biblical, theological, historical, and practical basics. So they tend to wince or groan when asked to do more and offer more for and with future ministers
But the Institute people do make a good case to be taken seriously in this report. Their two-year study finds that more than ninety percent of the thirty-six leading seminaries surveyed do not require full-semester, sexuality-based courses for graduation, and two-thirds do not offer a course in sexuality issues for religious professionals. A generational issue is involved. Mention, for example, the churches’ controversy over same-sex marriage, and in most denominations seniors will observe that it’s not much of an issue for the younger generations. They’ve generally approved it and want to move on to issues they consider more urgent. But for the next thirty years ministers will be dealing with church and synagogue issues where it is still the hottest-button kind of issue, and they need to understand the pros and cons.
As I picture it, the Institute’s concern that more seminaries deal with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender studies in a major way will not get a hearing in denominations where there are strictures against positive dealings with church and synagogue members in LGBT camps. Yet it is hard to get around the observation that, overall, sexual issues — be they biological, theological, or moral – are the most controversial subjects in religion today. For a discussion group on the Trinity or Pelagianism (if you could get one together), you would rent a classroom. For sex and gender debates, you would crowd the field house, because everyone knows that the subject will quicken passions, lead to walk-outs, and give the press much to disseminate.
In this half-century, like it or not, understandings of human sexuality combined with issues of authority – who decides about practices? – concern every body from Mennonites to Greek Orthodox. Clerical abuse scandals have undercut trust relations in parishes and denominations. The press, understandably, “eats this up,” knowing how little anyone knows about how to handle sexual themes and incidents and how hungry elements in the public are for stories about ethical lapses in matters sexual. The Institute’s report may not please everyone, but it is an important wake-up call.
As we start out a new year of conversations, I think that Martin Marty provides an inspiring model for approaching contemporary issues, and not just on this site.