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LA Adventist Forum Recordings: Adventism After San Antonio


What did it feel like to be on the ground in San Antonio when the Adventist Church voted on ordination? What seismic shifts are taking place in the denomination? What is next for Adventism?

On Saturday, July 25, the Los Angeles chapter of the Adventist Forum hosted a conversation digging into those questions at the Glendale City Church. Five presenters led the conversation: Kendra Haloviak Valentine, a General Conference Session delegate and New Testament professor, her husband Gilbert Valentine, an Adventist historian who accompanied her to San Antonio, La Sierra University president emeritus and GC delegate Larry Geraty, Spectrum Editor Bonnie Dwyer and Spectrum Website Managing Editor Jared Wright, who together led Spectrum’s reporting team in San Antonio.

Below is the audio recording of the meeting, divided into eight segments. Click on a link to begin the MP3. Recordings courtesy of the Glendale City Church and the LA Adventist Forum chapter.

Gilbert Valentine on several major, fundamental shifts in the Seventh-day Adventist Church (11:34).

Kendra Haloviak Valentine on pleading with friends and her students not to leave (8:21).

Bonnie Dwyer’s interstitial remarks and introduction of Larry Geraty (2:08).

Larry Geraty on the way the denomination has changed the Fundamental Beliefs he helped to craft in 1980 (15:30).

Question and Answer Part One (21:05).

Bonnie Dwyer’s remarks on the new landscape in Adventist media and introduction of Jared Wright (4:12).

Jared Wright on media at the General Conference, Millennial voices, and how a hashtag became a movement (11:37).*

Question and Answer Part Two (19:33).

*Clarification on Twitter media impressions. In his presentation, Jared Wright noted that on July 8, Spectrum’s Twitter accounts garnered 2 million impressions, stating that 2 million people saw Spectrum’s tweets. In fact Spectrum’s tweets were seen 2 million times, rather than being seen by 2 million absolute unique viewers.

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