Headlines: U.S. News Ranks Andrews Second Highest in Ethnic Diversity
U. S. News Reports High Ethnic Diversity at Andrews University. Andrews University is listed as the second-most ethnically diversity institution of higher learning by U. S. News in its education rankings. Since Adventist students from around the world attend Andrews University, this may seem less surprising to Adventists than to the general public. From US News, “Campus Ethnic Diversity: National Universities.”
Portland, Maine Residents Learn They Have Adventist Vegetarian Roots. A local Portland, Maine food writer features Adventist history through her interest in vegetarian cuisine. She notes the Lewiston, Maine vegan restaurant, an out reach ministry run by members of the Auburn Seventh-day Adventist Churchand their pastor Rick Kuntz. From Press Herald, “Maine woman founded church, converted followers to vegetarianism.”
La Sierra University Social Work Students Create “Poverty Simulation.” On Sunday, May 17, La Sierra University’s social work department and service-learning program partnered with Catholic Charities and the La Sierra University Church in a “poverty simulation,” an exercise providing insight into the daily stresses facing families with little income. The simulation allowed participants to live a month in poverty in a few hours. They were given an identity and family profile along with age-appropriate tasks, with a set amount of time to complete their tasks. Marni Straine, assistant social work professor, and Daphne Thomas, associate social work professor, guided students in creating and executing the event. From La Sierra University, “La Sierra to host poverty simulation to build awareness, insight.”
Canadian Adventists Prompt 12-year Community Home-Repair Project. “Extreme Home Repairs,” a community service project that started with the Aldergrove Seventh-day Adventist Church in British Columbia, has become a community-wide effort. Worth up to $100,000 each in labour and materials, the project repairs homes for deserving families. Current Pastor Mike Dauncey with the church’s Acts of Kindness volunteer team is shown revealing the improve home to one of the families. From Alder Grove Star, “Acts of Kindness grows in Aldergrove.”
Pam Dietrich taught English at Loma Linda Academy for 26 years and served there eight more years as the 7-12 librarian. She lives in Redlands, CA.