G'(7th)day Mates: Australian Adventists Read Spectrum More
Lately it seems like we’ve been seeing more visits from Australia. In fact, three of the top 12 most active cities visiting Spectrum come from Australia. Thanks those of you residing in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. We also appreciate those of you in Adelaide (64th) and Perth (84th).
London, what happened? You dropped from around the top 3 to thirty-fourth. The Trinis from the Port of Spain passed you at 33rd. Great to see Manila at 47th, Cape Town at 55th and Nairobi in 61th place—all more frequent than Boise, Fresno and Collegedale. The rise of Riverside, California in the rankings probably reflects the recent deluge of news regarding La Sierra University where it is located. (The numbers on the right reflect the visits in the last month.)
Also, we’re looking further into the financial connections and liabilities between the Johnson Property Group and Adventist institutions in Australia. If you have tips and news links, please send them over.