Consider greening your local church
By Alexander Carpenter
Recognizing the deep connection between faith and ecology, the Regeneration Project is one of the emerging interfaith grassroots organizations that works directly with congregations in greening houses of worship. In October, it put An Inconvenient Truth (the third most successful documentary of all time) in 4000 churches through its state Interfaith Power & Light chapters.
According to their web site, “In 2001, we co-founded California Interfaith Power and Light, which helps people of faith in California to organize and promote positive environmental change around energy and global warming. Nationally, we are working to establish Interfaith Power and Light programs in every state.”
As a person of faith, here’s three things you and your community can do right now:
1. Sign up your congregation to become an IPL member in your state.
2. Ask your religious leader to give a sermon on global warming.
3. Be an Energy Star Congregation by considering ways to improve the efficiency of your buildings and equipment and curtail unnecessary energy use. For information, call 888 STAR-YES. It will save your church money.
Learn more here.
If you or your congration has participated in a greening project, drop a comment below.