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ATS conference on society

A quick memo to the Adventist Theological Society:
I’m impressed that you are talking about  the role of Adventism in society during the AAR/SBL meetings this weekend.
I hope that your best ideas will correct the current privatist
mood within
our faith community. While I wouldn’t want to prejudge the papers, I
wish that you had included more diverse and emerging – even prophetic – Adventist voices
on this essential quodlibet.
  Beyond the seminary Rolodex there exist a number of minority and faithful graduate students who have been
thinking and writing on this topic lately at Fuller, Claremont, and USC. Oh, and they’ve also mixed in a
o’ praxis

I hope that your day-long discussion leads to a broad,
thoughtful and radical conversation within our church about the role of
our faith in working for justice and the common good. Keep in touch – the future sounds best in dialogue.
Alexander Carpenter
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