Adventist Women and the Earth: Undergrad and Grad Student Call for Papers
“Adventist Women and the Earth: A Response to the Ecofeminism”
Conference Date: April 24-26, 2009
Location: La Sierra University, Riverside, California
Submissions Due: Friday, February 13, 2009
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Call for Papers: “Adventist Women and the Earth: A Response to the Ecofeminism” is the theme of the 2nd Annual Young Women & the Word Conference, hosted by the Women’s Resource Center and co-sponsored by La Sierra University.
This conference aims to address our responsibility to the earth/environment and to explore connections with gender justice. Ecofeminism brings together ecology, deep ecology, and feminism. Feminism seeks equality of women with men, a transformation of social relations of the ownership of the means of production and reproduction, and changing cultural patterns of violence and male domination.
Ecofeminist theologians, such as Rosemary Radford Ruether, specifically seek to assess cultural and social roots that promote destructive relations between men and women, between ruling and subjugated human communities, and the destruction of the rest of the biotic community, of which humans are an interdependent part. Ecofeminist theologians affirm that we can draw critically from the legacy of the Christian and Western cultural heritage to find usable ideas that might nourish a healed relation to each other and to the earth. The conference planners hope to lead out and show how young Adventist women care about the abuse of the earth and women; and challenge others not only to recognize this problem but to actively create and practice solutions that respect the dignity and value of God’s creations.
The main topic will be addressed utilizing discussions on leadership, practical solutions, dialogue on the parallels between our ethic toward the environment and women, and so forth. Visit for more information.
Featuring Rosemary Radford Ruether, John B. Cobb, Jr., Jared Wright, Maritza Duran, Ginger Hanks-Harwood, Somer Penington, and others.
Undergraduate and graduate student submissions should be presentable in 15 minutes and aim to connect religion, ecology, and gender issues. Please submit a paper proposal of no more than 250 words to be considered for participation. All paper proposals should be sent to the organizer of the conference, Trisha Famisaran, no later than February 13, 2009. Submissions should be sent electronically in Word format to and include the following:
1. Paper proposal of 250 words.
2. A separate page indicating your full name, paper title, institutional affiliation, degree program and major, class standing, telephone number, e-mail address and mailing address.