Adventist Technologists Caught on Tape
Thanks to Bryan Collick, Assistant Director and Web Manager of the General Conference’s Communication Department, here’s some video from earlier this month at the Global Internet Evangelism Network forum. See my blog posts about GiEN here.
Klaus Popa, Producer and Creative Director Internet Ministries of Stimme der Hoffnung, Germany, (Euro Hope TV) is a perennial attendee and is always a good time.
GIEN: Klaus takes it personal from leftsider on Vimeo.
Pastor Delwin Finch actually blogged Klaus’s presentation here.
One of the interesting people I met is Matt Aimonetti, a serious ADD dude and Ruby developer who runs a consulting business with his wife Heidi (with whom I studied at Andrews). You can see some of the fun we have at GiEN in this clip.
GIEN: Matt’s reason for being from leftsider on Vimeo.