Adventist Forum Conference Fun (Sep. 26-28)
As many of you know, the Adventist Forum Conference is coming up. It will be Sep. 26-28 at the Mission Inn Resort and Conference Center, Howey-in-the-Hills, Florida.
Along with Chuck Sandefur, head of ADRA and Barry Lynn head of Americans United for Church and State, we will host one of my favorite evangelical leaders, Joel Hunter, Senior Pastor of the 12,000 member Northland: A Church Distributed. It is located in Orlando, Florida and is home to a growing interfaith creation care movement in the state.
I recently sent out an email and received this automatic reply from him. It made me smile.
“I will be out of the country June 1-7 and will not often have access to email. In case of emergency, contact God. Always.”
I hope to see y’all at the conference. This one is shaping up to be a big deal and it will be really fun to meet face-to-face.
To register early, call 916-774-1080.
(btw: If there are any golfers coming, check out the resort’s course. If anyone wants to put together a little scramble, I’ll be looking for a good fader to save me from my left-swing tendencies.)
Also, as some of you may have noticed in your browser window, we recently crested 7000 comments. Since we re-launched about 200 days ago this puts our daily average at about 35 comments a day.
Thank you commentariat for helping us along in our mission to create community through conversation.
We always welcome new voices. . .good lurkers. And feel free to drop a line if you have ideas for how we can improve.