ADRA Board to Review Reasoning for Layoffs
In an unusual move, reported by the Adventist Review, the board of directors of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency plan to “consider” the recent action by ADRA leaders “to cut costs by laying off 17 employees.”
The Adventist Review story refers to a “subsequently removed” March 3 memo written by Rudi Maier, ADRA president. In this document, which no longer appears on the ADRA website, Maier justified the 20 percent personnel cuts by pointing to faltering finances. But in an article on the turmoil at the agency, Spectrum reported that the “November 2010 financial statements show net income exceeding budgeted net income by $4.6 million.”
The Adventist Review story states:
News of the changes has elicited questions among many of the group’s constituents. ADRA’s board of directors is expected to address those issues at the April 6 meeting. Until that time, ADRA’s board leaders are withholding public comment.
At publication there is no mention of this news on the ADRA website.