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Richard Osborn: A Credit to Education


Richard Osborn, PhD, talks about his missionary upbringing, early connection to Spectrum, and how he got his start leading educational institutions. Dick, who recently retired as the Vice President of the WASC Senior College and University Commission and was the former president of Pacific Union College, shares some lessons about what’s worked and what hasn’t in schools and Adventist life.

Dr. Osborn is Board Advisor/Member: Loma Linda University Health, Los Angeles Pacific University, Pacifica Graduate Institute, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, United States University, University of Silicon Andhra, Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation (COCA), Charles Weniger Foundation, NAD Higher Ed Task Force.

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Alexander Carpenter is a board member of Adventist Forum, the organization that publishes Spectrum.

Photo by Olga Tutunaru on Unsplash / Spectrum


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On this week’s episode of the Adventist Voices podcast, host Alexander Carpenter chats with Richard Osborn, PhD, about his missionary upbringing, early connection to Spectrum, and how he got his start leading educational institutions.

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