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Gregory Hoenes: Food, Ecology, and Spirituality


On this episode of the Adventist Voices podcast, Elder Gregory L. Hoenes, PhD, director of the West Region of the Southern California Conference, talks about his recently completed dissertation in practical theology at Claremont School of Theology.

Focusing on food and ecological responsibilities, Dr. Hoenes talks about how his conservative upbringing shaped his relationship to nature, how pastoring and eating out in Southern California shaped his research and spiritual practices, and how the activism of young people gives him hope.

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Alexander Carpenter is a board member of Adventist Forum, the organization that publishes Spectrum.

Image credit: Spectrum


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On this week’s episode of the Adventist Voices podcast, host Alexander Carpenter chats with Dr. Gregory Hoenes about his recently completed dissertation in practical theology at Claremont School of Theology.

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