Gossip Juice and the Meanings of Meetings: Annual Council & NAD
Alisa Williams, managing editor for the Spectrum website, reviews the North American Division Year-end Meetings. We also discuss her thoughts on the recent Annual Council drama and how that will impact the upcoming 2020 General Conference Session. Finally, there’s #GossipJuice talk.
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To purchase the #GossipJuice travel mug mentioned in this episode or other Annual Council merchandise created by the SDA Caricaturist, visit: https://society6.com/sdacaricatures/all
Alexander Carpenter is a board member of Adventist Forum, the organization that publishes Spectrum.
Image credit: Pieter Damsteegt, North American Division Communication on Flickr / SpectrumMagazine.org
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On this week’s episode, Alexander Carpenter talks to Spectrum website Managing Editor Alisa Williams about highlights from the North American Division Year-end Meetings and Annual Council, how the decisions there could impact the 2020 General Conference Session, and the story behind the social media buzz about #GossipJuice.