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Bryce Dallas Howard on Dads


Actress and film producer Bryce Dallas Howard, daughter of Ron Howard, chats about her new documentary, Dads. The film follows "six extraordinary fathers from across the globe — and some of Hollywood's most famous dads speaking about the joys and challenges of parenting." We discuss the lack of a collective rite of passage like a baby shower for men, how her own relationship with her father and her new-dad brother impacted this film, as well as how healthy families negotiate the tension between the private and the public parts of their worlds.

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WATCH: Dads — Official Trailer | Apple TV+


Alexander Carpenter is a board member of Adventist Forum, the organization that publishes Spectrum.

Photo: Director Bryce Dallas Howard on the set of Dads, premiering globally June 19 on Apple TV+. Photo courtesy of Apple TV. Used with permission.


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On this week’s episode of the Adventist Voices podcast, host Alexander Carpenter chats with actress and film producer Bryce Dallas Howard about her new documentary, Dads.

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