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Time to Register for the Adventist Forum Conference before Discounts Disappear


Deadlines for discounted early registration fees and hotel rooms at the August 30–September 1st Adventist Forum Conference are approaching.

July 28 is the deadline for getting the bargain room rate ($98) at the Comfort Suites Downtown Orlando Hotel. Call 1-877-228-4007 and ask for the Front Desk to get the special conference rate.

Meanwhile, the discounted fee for early conference registration ends July 31. You can register online here, or contact the Spectrum office at 916-774-1080. (More information about the topic and speaker line-up is also available on the registration page or by clicking here.)

“With an exciting lineup of speakers and activities, we want to be sure people are aware of these approaching deadlines,” Alexander Carpenter said. Carpenter leads the planning committee for the “identities” conference.

Registration will still be open in August, but the rates will be slightly higher.

A special liturgy for Sabbath worship has just been added to the program. Loma Linda University Church Pastor Miguel Mendez will provide the homily. Composer Nicholas Zork is planning music for the weekend that will invite people to think about how music affects their identity.


Click here to Register Now!


Bonnie Dwyer is editor of Spectrum.

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