Support Independent Adventist Journalism on Giving Tuesday 2019
Greetings Friends,
Boy, have I got a story for you. It comes from Annual Council, but it has nothing to do with Compliance Committees, Tithe Parity, or Abortion. It is the story of Annual Council as told through Twitter.
One of the union conferences hired an outside consultant to analyze the media coverage of Annual Council, specifically on Twitter. Spectrum, I was told, came out on top. What does that mean? Here’s a look at our stats and an explanation of what Twitter stats mean:
Annual Council took place October 10-16, 2019. Spectrum posted 500 tweets over this 7-day period, and generated 515,500 impressions (basically, the number of times our tweets showed up on someone's screen). That's an average of 73,600 impressions per day. Tuesday, Oct. 15, was the top day with 167 tweets and 183,260 impressions. That was the day Compliance Committees were discussed.
Our top tweet of the week was the tweet that read "Before the delegates leave for the evening, they are handed a 3-pg document titled, ‘Recommendations Resulting From the 2018 Annual Council Compliance Action’ to review for discussion tomorrow. #GCAC19" and included photos of the three pages of the document. That tweet was written on Monday, Oct. 14, at 6:06 p.m. It received 5,722 impressions and 1,212 engagements, which is an engagement rate of 21.2%, an extremely high, off-the-charts engagement rate.
A "good" engagement rate on Twitter, according to experts, is 0.02% to 0.09%. A "high" engagement rate is 0.09% to 0.33%, and a "very high" engagement rate is considered to be 0.33% to 1%. For comparison, our engagement rate is usually in the 2.5% range (which is great!). So, to have a tweet get a 21.2% engagement rate is crazy. Our average engagement rate for the week was 3.2%
As you can see, the Twitter story of Annual Council had a very large, engaged audience. It is a form of story-telling that deserves your support. And that is our reason for sharing it with you today, on #GivingTuesday. Twitter stories do not generate revenue, but they are a very important part of what we do at Spectrum. Our team is preparing to tweet and post reports from the 2020 General Conference Session in Indianapolis this summer.
Won’t you please make a year-end donation to Spectrum, so we can keep the mission of community through (all kinds of) conversation vibrant? Give now through our secure online donation form (click here) or by calling the Spectrum office at 916-774-1080.
You, our readers, have kept us going through many different media phases over the past 50 years, and helped us to adapt as necessary. We’re counting on you again this year.
With gratitude,
Bonnie Dwyer,
Spectrum Editor
P.S. There is a tax break that is only available to people over 70, and a little-known strategy that allows people 70 or older to write off charitable donations of IRA income and still take the standard deduction. You can read about it in this Washington Post article (click here).
Or, contact the Spectrum office by phone at 916-774-1080 or email at, and we’ll have Lee Blount, our Board member who is a personal financial consultant by trade, explain it to you.
For additional ways to give, visit our Donate page here:
Or, to make a gift right now, visit our secure online donation form (click here).
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