An Open Letter From Dan Jackson to Female Pastors in the North American Division
This statement from North American Division President Daniel R. Jackson was released on Wednesday, October 12, through the North American Division NewsPoints Bulletin.
My Dear Sisters-in-Christ — My Colleagues,
I am sending out this brief note to encourage you today. Be strong in the strength of Christ our Lord. Human hands and hearts will fail you, but He is strong for you.
Yesterday at General Conference headquarters, the Annual Council voted to implement a process to deal with policy non-compliance issues at all levels of the church. We do not know, at this point, what the impact of this will be on the NAD. I invite you pray that the Holy Spirit will guide the church during this period.
Having said this, I want to give you the assurance that the vote yesterday did not affect your status as a pastor. Furthermore, as stated in our press release yesterday, the North American Division remains committed to empower and establish our women in pastoral ministry. We will not give up on this ideal and goal. We are grateful to God for your committed service to Him.
I recognize that there may be, in the coming days, significant rumor mongering and conspiracy theories that predict dire outcomes, etc. My encouragement to you is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith. My dear sisters, God will work things out in His time. His purposes will succeed. Please keep holding on. God bless each of you.
Your brother and colleague,
Daniel R. Jackson
President, North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
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