Michigan Conference President Jay Gallimore Announces Retirement
Elder Jay Gallimore, president of the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, has announced his retirement.
Gallimore first sent out the news on December 6 in a letter addressed to conference officials, pastors, teachers, and lay advisory coordinating committee members. The official announcement was released earlier today on the Michigan Conference website. It follows in full below:
Dear Michigan family,
At a recent Michigan Conference Executive Committee [MCEC], I shared that I would be retiring from the office of the president at the end of January, after which I would take some vacation time.
It has been my privilege and joy to serve the Lord in ministry in Michigan. This conference is so blessed to have such faithful, loving, and devoted members that serve the Lord in His churches. Your devotion to the cause of God inspires all of our hearts, and I am so grateful for you.
The Michigan Conference constitution calls for the previous nominating committee from the constituency session of the Michigan Conference to join the MCEC, under the chairmanship of the Union President, to elect a new president. Thank you in advance for your prayers for this committee as it does its work.
In the days ahead may the Holy Spirit guide and direct the treasured Michigan Conference with its churches and schools, as it continues to carry out its part in hastening the soon coming of the Lord.
May we ever be faithful to His dear cause. As I move into retirement, it is my plan to continue to add my efforts to yours in winning souls and building up the kingdom of our precious Savior. “Even so come Lord Jesus.”
Yours In Christ,
Jay Gallimore
Alisa Williams is managing editor of SpectrumMagazine.org.
Image Credit: misda.org
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