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Michael Campbell and Jack Hoehn: Two Forum Zoom Events This Sabbath

Zoom Events September 24

Sabbath, September 24, 2022 – 12:00pm Pacific Time.

Michael Campbell will present: "Recovering Stories of Forgotten Women from our Adventist Past." 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Campbell spent a year identifying one woman a week whose stories were either forgotten or unknown from our Adventist past. This led to a much larger project to seek to recover these stories. At times I have been challenged, if women were so vital in our early Adventist history, then why don't we know more of these stories? I often respond that it is simply because those stories haven't been told. This presentation takes a look at the wide and varied contributions of women by revealing stories about the important contributions of women that have been forgotten or overlooked in Adventist historiography.

Michael W. Campbell, PhD, serves as the director of Archives, Statistics, and Research for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists. He is a widely published scholar with over one thousand popular and peer-reviewed articles in denominational and academic circles. His most recent book, 1922: The Rise of Adventist Fundamentalism was published by Pacific Press. He is the co-editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Seventh-day Adventism along with a new textbook, co-authored with Ed Allen, on Adventist history forthcoming from Eerdmans. He served as a pastor in Colorado and Kansas, and taught in Adventist tertiary institutions in the Philippines and Texas. He is married to Heidi Olson Campbell, a PhD candidate in Early Modern History at Baylor University, and they have two teenage children.

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Sabbath, September 24, at 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time.

Continuing our monthly Spectrum Book Club, Dr. Jack Byron Hoehn will join us live to talk about his book, Adventist Tomorrow: Fresh Ideas While Waiting for Jesus (2021).

Dr. Hoehn (rhymes with rain) cherishes his roots in the Adventist faith community, especially its commitment to grow and change and follow truth as it is revealed. This book explores topics such as being honest with the Bible, the openness of God, what are faith essentials, the indestructible Sabbath, gender equality, pacifism, human origins and many other contemporary issues for both Adventists and other Christians.The Adventist faith has grown to more than 30 million adherents around the world, operates the largest Protestant school system on the globe from elementary through higher education and a significant network of health care institutions and food manufacturers. Many of its progressive ideas and future issues are explored in this book.

A graduate of San Gabriel Academy, Pacific Union College, Loma Linda University, Dr. Hoehn set out to fulfill a lifelong dream of medical mission service in Africa. He and his wife, Deanne, served at Maluti Adventist Hospital in Lesotho for just over three years before they were called to Mwami Adventist Hospital in Zambia. There, Dr. Hoehn served as medical director of the 150-bed mission hospital for nine years.

While in Africa, he and Deanne welcomed two sons and enjoyed forming meaningful relationships within their community. As medical director, Dr. Hoehn prioritized unifying the diverse hospital staff and elevating the level of care by recruiting care providers and expanding the nursing school.

Dr. Hoehn settled in Walla Walla, Washington, in 1987 where he practiced until his retirement in 2017. He has led 10 mission trips back to Africa, and remains passionate about mission service. Today, he enjoys writing and spending time with his grandchildren.

The book has over 70 reviews on Amazon. Click here to order the read the reviews and order the book

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