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Justin Kim in Consideration for Adventist Review Editor


Justin Kim is “Ted Wilson’s choice” to lead Adventist Review Ministries, according to three sources with direct connections to the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists. Kim currently works as the associate director of the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department at the GC. This marks a change for the Adventist Review succession process as the flagship church publication has almost exclusively been led by someone with previous experience on its masthead.

Last week Spectrum broke the news that Bill Knott would not be reappointed to that position, which includes the title executive editor of the Adventist Review.

Kim received his ordination and current ministerial license from the Michigan Conference, where he worked in campus ministry and communication before becoming assistant director of the Sabbath School and Personal Ministry Department in 2016. The department oversees work including the City Sidewalk Evangelism Initiative, Ingathering, and essentially all the Sabbath school study material except for the Adult Bible Study Guide. Kim edits what was the Collegiate Quarterly and is now called inVerse. He also hosts a Bible study show by the same name on Hope TV

Kim has been involved with GYC for 20 years. His LinkedIn account states that he is co-founder, officer, and current member of the board of directors of GYC. GYC was called General Youth Conference; now it stands for Generation. Youth. Christ. Kim has been affiliated with the Lay Institute For Evangelism (LIFE) as a board member, which is part of the business-independent ministry organization Adventist Laymen's Services & Industries (ASI). Kim also served on the editorial board of the anti-women's ordination Adventists Affirm publication. The most recent available issue includes articles from about a decade ago from Ted Wilson, P. Gerard Damsteegt, and Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, who helped found and lead GYC.

The Adventist Review Ministries Board, chaired by Ted N. C. Wilson, will meet to name an executive editor/director for the 2022–25 term. From there the selection goes to the 46 member GC ADCOM and then finally for a vote by the 345 member GC Executive Committee, which meets during the 2022 Annual Council business session running from October 9–12. 


Alexander Carpenter is executive editor of Spectrum

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