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Idaho Conference Issues Statement Concerning 2018 Annual Council


Dear Idaho Conference Family & Friends:

On Sunday, October 14, 2018, the General Conference (GC) Annual Council approved a document recommended by the GC administration on how to relate to units of the church organization that are out of compliance with voted GC actions and policies. You may find the document via this link: The proposal was approved with 185 in favor, while 124 opposed. There were two abstentions. This action by Annual Council was taken primarily because of perceived noncompliance with GC actions regarding the ordination of women. There are church members and leaders happy with the action, while there are church members and leaders disappointed with the results of the vote. Regardless of where you stand on this issue, we appeal to you to pray for God’s church and its leaders. We are living in momentous, exciting, and challenging times. Nevertheless, we strongly believe the Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s church, and He is big enough to take care of His church.

Your Conference administration highly values women in ministry! We would not be where we are as a church or conference without their vital contributions. In the Idaho Conference, women are ministering as local church elders, deaconesses, Sabbath School leaders, Children’s Ministries leaders, clerks, treasurers, and in numerous other vital roles in the ministry of God’s churches and schools. In addition, some women are participating in part-time associate pastoral roles in some of our churches, as locally funded employees or as volunteers. We are thankful for their Spirit-filled leadership.

In keeping with current policy, we are open to the hiring women as full-time pastors of local churches as we find the right combination of qualified female pastors and compatible congregations.

The North American Division (NAD) Year-End Meeting is scheduled for November 1-6, 2018, at the NAD headquarters in Columbia, MD. Please pray that God will lead President Dan Jackson, Executive Secretary Alex Bryant, and Treasurer Tom Evans as they lead in this annual business session. Most likely, the recent action by the GC Annual Council will be discussed at this meeting. Pray that God’s Spirit will lead the members of this committee in any actions they may take.

God’s church remains united in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in mission, and in the 28 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Let us continue to faithfully and boldly proclaim the saving gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14! Jesus is coming soon! Let’s help as many people as possible prepare for His soon coming.

This letter was endorsed by an action of the Idaho Conference Board of Directors at its regularly scheduled meeting on Sunday, October 21, 2018.


David Prest, Jr.

John Rogers
Vice President



This statement originally appeared on the Idaho Conference website.

Image courtesy of the North Pacific Union Conference


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