Heather Boulais Performs with Gymnaires Two Years after Traumatic Brain Injury
During the Union College 2017 Gymnaires Home Show on Saturday evening, April 1, Heather Boulais took to the mats for a special performance. Heather was accompanied by her mother Cheryl and sister Summer for the approximately three-minute routine which ended with a standing ovation and hugs for Heather from fellow Gymnaires.
As previously reported, on January 14, 2015, Heather was attaching her aerial silks for a practice session in the Union College gymnasium when she fell 23 feet to the gym floor. She sustained a skull fracture and brain injuries in the fall, and spent time in a medically-induced coma. She underwent several surgeries.
In August 2015, Heather was released home after her stay in Madonna, a Catholic rehabilitation hospital specializing in sustained injuries and disabling conditions. Her rehabilitation regimen included physical and occupational therapies aimed at helping her regain muscle strength and the ability to perform tasks like eating and brushing her teeth.
The #PrayersForHeather Facebook page reports that Heather is still undergoing regular occupational and physical therapy to help her regain speech and motor skills, with significant progress being made in these areas. Saturday night’s performance is another successful milestone in Heather’s road to recovery.
WATCH: Heather, Cheryl, and Summer Boulais Perform Together at 2017 Gymnaires Home Show
Alisa Williams is Managing Editor of SpectrumMagazine.org.
Image Credit: Video still from 2017 Gymnaires Home Show
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