Headlines: Southwestern Adventist University Dino Museum Features Over 20 Thousand Bones (And More!)
Southwestern Adventist University Dino Museum Features Over 20 Thousand Bones. For more than twenty years, Southwestern Adventist University Professor Dr. Art Chadwick, along with students, university faculty, and scientists, has extracted upper Cretaceous dinosaur bones from the Hanson Research Center in eastern Wyoming. A collection of over 20,000 dinosaur bones is now on loan to the newly opened Dinosaur Science Museum on Southwestern’s campus. The museum also features interactive displays, skeleton replicas, a 3-d printer, videos, and opportunities to observe the preservation process. The museum is open to the public and does not charge admission. It welcomes school groups to learn about now-extinct creatures that once lived in North America. From Southwestern Adventist University, “Southwestern Adventist University Opens Dinosaur Science Museum.”
Oklahoma Adventist Pastor Remembers Training at Camp Desmond Doss. Larry Priest, senior pastor of Edmond, Oklahoma, Seventh-day Adventist Church, recalls his 1971 experience at Camp Desmond Doss. He trained to serve his country but remain a conscientious objector. His memories of his 14-day camp experience were heightened when he viewed Hacksaw Ridge which recounts the story of World War II hero Desmond Doss, a U.S. Army combat medic, Seventh-day Adventist, and conscientious objector who refused to carry a gun. Priest, 65, said, "The faith relationship that Desmond Doss had with God was real." The pastor and Laree Reidenbaugh, his church member, said they and other members of their local church are thrilled to see Doss' story told to modern audiences. They said they expect the movie may make the community-at-large more curious about Adventists and their faith tradition as conscientious objectors. From NewsOK, “Seventh-day Adventists discuss legacy of 'Hacksaw Ridge' hero.”
LLUSM Leads in Providing Family Medicine Residencies. Loma Linda University School of Medicine ranked No. 6 in the percentage of graduates who go into family medicine residencies among schools that grant medical degrees in the United States. Loma Linda University is the only private school in the top 20 rankings. With the rise of managed health care, family medicine has become a dominate player in the primary healthcare field, which in turn has become “the driving force in medicine,” Dr. Roger Woodruff, chairman of the Department of Family Medicine, said. “Loma Linda has a deep and long history with family medicine.” Senior Loma Linda medical school faculty members say the reason they rank so highly is that primary care is a large part of the University’s core mission. “We feel strongly that family medicine is a big contributor to health care in general,” said Dr. Wessam Labib, director of medical school education at Loma Linda. From San Bernardino Sun, “Loma Linda university among top in nation for sending grads into family medicine.”
Baltimore Adventist Church Members Pray for President-elect Trump. The Baltimore, Maryland, Liberty Seventh-day Adventist Church held a prayer vigil for President-elect Donald Trump following his divisive campaign. "We want him to be successful," said Rocky Twyman, one of the key organizers for the vigil. "We're hoping through our prayers that God will touch his heart to be more considerate and more concerned about minorities and the less fortunate of this country." Pastor Mark McCleary urged his congregants to get more involved in their communities following President-elect Donald Trump's victory. "The only way unity is going to be effective is people who live in these neighborhoods to rub shoulders with one another," said McCleary. “Talk with one another. Work with one another.” From Fox Baltimore, “Prayer vigil held in wake of Donald Trump’s election victory.”
New Haven Church Partners with other Groups to Provide Thanksgiving Goods. More than 300 New Haven, Connecticut, families were served at the third-annual Day of Joy. Pastor Brenda Adkins of His Divine Fellowship Ministry Church directed the event where people received Thanksgiving food items, coats, and blessing bags. The Knights of Columbus provided $6,000 this year to aid in purchasing food. A hot meal was served by volunteers from Mount Zion Seventh-day Adventist Church and from the Knights of Columbus. From New Haven Register, “‘Day of Joy’ in New Haven brings smiles with Thanksgiving in a bag.”
Pam Dietrich taught English at Loma Linda Academy for 26 years and served there eight more years as the 7-12 librarian. She lives in Redlands, California.
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